What people are saying about our products!

  • Becky Harrison says:

    These patches are amazing! I love them. Perfect for travel. They work!

  • Peggy sue says:

    can you wear this while wearing a low dosage estrogen patch for menopause ?
    I have Severe Anxiety & panic attacks I do drink lavender tea & i have put Lavender oil on my Pillow case at times & I have phobia s of new meds, what do you think? I don’t know why im scared to try this.

  • Cris says:

    Do I have to wear a new patch everyday?

    • lblakeney says:

      The short answer to this question is, Yes. To reap the maximum aroma-therapeutic benefits, we recommend that the patches be replaced every 24 hours and sooner, should you feel the effects waning.

      That being said, we have had customers report using patches, with success, for multiple days, so there certainly is the possibility that you might enjoy benefits for longer periods.

      If wearing the patches for longer periods, care should be taken when bathing as the patches will lose their adhesive properties if exposed to excessive moisture.

  • Sarah says:

    Love these patches! I am ordering bundles so that I can make “careshare packs” for my colleagues.

  • Anonymous on February 12, 2012 at 3:41 pm said:Edit

    Aromatherapy Patches


    I have long believed in the power of aromatherapy and even the scents of facial cleansers and how I feel when cleansing my face or washing my hair in the shower, etc.

    I have used SL arnica for joint pain, so after a spa massage when I was offered a patch, I chose Bergamot in the hopes it would help me with sleep (I was uncertain about the Lavender due to an aversion to strong lavender and my unfamiliarity with the patches).

    As I went to pay for my massage I saw your other scented patches and decided to try the arnica and citrus.

    I was truly amazed how much the arnica patch helped. I have already told 2 friends and hope to have my 75 y/o mother try the next time I’m visiting!

    I understand you are going to be releasing some new patches in 2011 and am hoping that one might be for night time sinus problems, though I am going to try 1/2 of a Eucalyptus patch to see how it works and hope it doesn”t keep me awake!

  • Nancy Stickler says:

    I purchased two pkts this weekend on my trip to Salem MA for sore knees. I didn’t use either one for me! I gave one to my daughter and one to my husband. They worked for both! Now I need to order more for me!

  • Anonymous says:

    Lavender results

    While laying in bed, my mind would not stop the cycle of worrying about finances, upcoming school, commuting, job, etc. but within 5 minutes of adhering the Lavender patch my thoughts were erased. I compared it to a dry-erase board..swiped away. Then I slept very well of course:) Thank you for creating Naturopatch!

  • Relieved Believer says:

    Had no idea something like this existed!

    One of my new co-workers is ‘in’ to homeopathy – lucky for me! After mentioning to her about some stress, lack of focus and pain I was experiencing from a car accident, she offered me two of the lemongrass patches which I placed on both shoulders where they meet the neck. In a matter of minutes I experienced a warm sensation, and realized the discomfort I had been feeling had subsided! Additionally, I felt more focused and ‘in the zone’ while at my stressful job than I had in quite a while. Thank you Natural Patch, for creating a product which will now become part of my pharmaceutical-free regimen. Many thanks!

  • Valerie says:

    I first saw the Natural Patches at my ND’s office. I was skeptical at first because I’ve tried other holistic products and found them not to be very effective. But since I try to use only holistic, all natural products, I decided to give the patches a try. WOW! I’m a massage therapist and immediately began referring my clients to your patches as well! A truly awesome product!

  • Cynthia M says:


    I have looked for a long time for something to help in between my prescription medicine to supplement and aid it, so as to not have to increase prescription meds. I prefer to take the natural and wholistic route if I can. Your patches are just the ticket. Thank you for helping those of us who are looking to improve the quality of our lives. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! For such wonderful products. I got the arnica, lavender and tea tree patches and they are awesome. I am so glad that there are people like you in this world to help people like me. God bless you and yours. Respectfully, Cynthia M.

  • rvtramps says:

    Bergamot Patch

    Absolutely amazing,I have bad restless legs and couldn’t even ride in the car 20 minutes without going crazy. We flew to Las Vegas and I thought I was going to lose my mind (5hr. trip). The Golden Nugget Spa suggested I put one of these patches on my lower back for the trip home and it worked wonders not even a twitch. I even use them for the terrible leg cramps I can get at night, worked right away. There my little Mircle Patches!

  • Anonymous says:

    Lavender & Rose Geranium

    I have found these to be a very effective. Sometimes I forget that the patch is on. I use the Lavender patch nightly for menopause-related sleep disturbance and the Rose Geranium patch daily.

  • Anonymous says:

    Lavender Patch

    I found lavender patches very comforting, but I don’t seem to be able to find them in UK any more.

  • Beverly Horozko says:

    Naturopatch To The Rescue

    Dear Katie and others at Naturopatch of Vermont-

    Thank you so much! Your wonderful product, the Arnica essential oil patches, saved my New York City pre-Christmas vacation! we had three wonderful days planned in New York and my feet were in agony by the second day. Luckily while visiting East West Books on 5th Avenue, I found your display of products. I immediately bought the Arnica patches.

    Back in our hotel room, I easily appiled 4 of the patches following your simple directions…. I applied 4 patches, two to each foot, just under each outside toe. I slept that way – with the patches on – all night, already feeling the relief.

    Since the patches can be kept in place a full 24-hours, I slipped my socks and shoes on the next day, feeling pleasantly “good to go”, and what a day we had planned – including all six floors of the Museum of Modern Art. I enjoyed my third day in New York completely, thanks to your “miracle” patches. It was almost as if the pain had never happened at all! Thank you!


    Beverly Horozko

  • cheifet says:


    I am recovering from spinal surgery and even after taking my pain medication, I could not sleep. I remembered my Arninca patches. I figured it couldn’t hurt and was worth a try. My husband put one on my neck and within 15 minutes, I fell asleep. I am buying more right now. Thank you!!

  • Leigha H. Menefee says:

    Arnica Patch

    I swear by this patch. I can’t live without them. It truly works for me. I wrote about it on my blog. paininprogress.blogspot.com Please never ever stop making these. I would be lost without them. Here is a link to my blog http://paininprogress.blogspot.com/2011/01/natural-remedy.html

    Thank you for this wonderful patch,

  • leenarino says:

    Sleeping better

    I usually sleep for about 4 hours wake up, turn over and go back to sleep. After 3 nights using this product, I slept soundly through the night. I’ll find out when my husband gets back from deployment if I’m still snoring.

  • ruthkarasik says:

    Arnica patches help. I can use them on long flights where being cramped in a seat can be a nightmare. These are the best patches ever!

  • Sal says:

    They actually work

    I was really shocked at how well the Rose Geranium patches work. I can’t believe this little patch can defuse the shrieking harpy that takes over for 1 week. I guess now I need to get a 10 year supply.

  • Oh says:

    I will never be without these patches again!

    I can’t tell you how much of a lifesaver your Arnica patches are! I discovered them a few years ago as they helped me.I recently ran out of your fabulous patches and was reduced to buying some arnica gels and trying salon pas patches (only thing I could find locally). None of those things helped.Thank goodness my online order arrived this week. THANK YOU, Natural Patches! I will NEVER be without this product again! 🙂

  • Anonymous says:

    Tea Tree Patches

    I use these patches all of the time and just love them. They are great for everything from insect bites to acne breakouts.

    I cut them to the size of the area that I want to cover. Within minutes of covering an insect bite, the itch is gone. And it does not start itching again, even after I have removed the patch.
    For that occasional pimple, I nip it in the bud as soon as I feel one coming on. Before going to bed, I cleanse the area and again cut a piece of patch just large enough to cover the area. In the morning the swelling and pain has generally lessened and the pimple never does erupt into a full blown breakout. These are the best!!

  • Carla Jamison says:


    I purchased this patch at Massage Envy where I receive my monthly massage and facials. It is phenomenal. Thanks so much for this. I look forward to using your other patches.

  • Anonymous says:


    This patch is amazing! Within 10 minutes of putting the bergamot patch on I felt better! Thanks for a great product. I will definitely order more of these!

  • Diane Lipson says:

    Your Arnica patches are the only solution. I apply the patches, cut into strips, between the deltoids at the top of my arm, and in 10 days I feel better. Nothing else works that reliably or simply – these patches are great. I love all of your patches and I will always recommend them.

  • anonymous says:


    I would say the bergamot patches have made a real difference for me. They have helped me dramatically. I am so glad I found this website. Thank you.

  • Anonymous says:


    I have long believed in the power of aromatherapy and even the scents of facial cleansers and how I feel when cleansing my face or washing my hair in the shower, etc.

    I have used SL arnica for joint pain, so after a spa massage when I was offered a patch, I chose Bergamot in the hopes it would help me with sleep (I was uncertain about the Lavender due to an aversion to strong lavender and my unfamiliarity with the patches).

    As I went to pay for my massage I saw your other scented patches and decided to try the arnica and citrus.

    I was truly amazed how much the arnica patch helped. I have already told 2 friends and hope to have my 75 y/o mother try the next time I’m visiting!

    I understand you are going to be releasing some new patches in 2011 and am hoping that one might be for night time sinus problems, though I am going to try 1/2 of a Eucalyptus patch to see how it works and hope it doesn”t keep me awake!

  • Sheri says:


    One of my friends gave me a few of these patches to try because I haven’t been feeling very energetic for the last few years. I hate to blame menopause for everything but oh well. I was very impressed with the Lemongrass Patch. I felt really good all day long! I also wore one of the Rose Geranium patches at the same time today and I am a believer! Just try them, you will be very pleasantly surprised!

  • kbricker says:

    Had To Try It For Myself

    You know how I enjoy trying out your various patches. Well, the “Focus” patch is one I thought I’d have to pass on to someone else to try out. But lo and behold I had an opportunity just a couple days ago! I woke up, feeling fine, but like my brain was flying around in outer space. And it continued for the next hour or so, even after I finished my shower. So I thought, “good! a chance to try out the patch!!!” (kinda sick, don’t you think?? Well, actually, not! If I thought of everything as an “opportunity,” I’ll betcha I could attain homeostasis pronto!!!)

    Anyway, I applied the patch, and (are you ready for another testimonial?) with 3-5 SECONDS, (I’d say that’s “immediate,” wouldn’t you?) (are you ready for more information on what happened, or shall I keep you in suspense?!?!? — only kidding!!) Anyhow, I had NEVER gotten so GROUNDED SOOOOOOOOOOOOO QUICKLY!!!! It was like a ton of bricks fell on me (no casualties, just a feeling of “heaviness”), a good feeling, of being “down to earth!” (But not dragging!) – Joan Smutko 4/07

  • Anonymous says:

    Excellent product.

    A friend of mine gave me a patch for a Christmas gift on Monday, December 27th. I applied the patch that night and slept so well, I was amazed at how deep a sleep I was and felt very refreshed the next day.

  • Danette says:

    Love these patches
    My name is Danette. I am 44 and have numerous issues. I just tried the arnica and lavender patches. They are the most wonderful patches I’ve used and am so thankful for them. I just placed another order and I plan to keep using them!! I just want to say thank you to the makers of these products.

  • Anonymous says:

    Eucalyptus Citriodora

    I found this patch, used it, and am now going to purchase more. Thank you!

  • robn375 says:

    Lavender and Citrus

    Tried Lavender and Citrus. I love these patches.

  • Just Jes says:


    I am thirty years old and have used arnica gel in the past. A massage therapist recently recommended these patches, and not to be over-enthusiastic but they’ve basically been a miracle.

    I use the patches multiple times a week when at work (where ice packs and heating pads are not practical). They smell far better than my previous icy hot solution; these pain patches have become a must have that I keep in my purse at all times.

    I realize that some of what I have said is almost repeating verbatim what others have wrote but there’s a reason for that. I was compelled to write this comment because there hasn’t been one recently and I want to confirm the fact that these patches are still fantastic.

    Hoping wellness for all,

    (Testimonial Edited to Remove Specifically Named Medical Conditions)

  • ntcow1111 says:


    Aahh this patch is my favorite.. I cannot believe, that even after tossing and turning all night… I can put one of these on, and make it thru the whole day- feeling ready to go…

  • ESherrod says:

    citrus fusion

    my favorite also—-

    a mothers helper!!!

  • Anonymous says:


    It really works!

    Every time I use the lemongrass patch it really works. The scent is delicate and effective. When I have a full day with lots of deadlines, I put one on. My focus and energy is greater and I’m a more pleasant person!

  • NJM says:


    On Mother’s Day, my family and I planned a special day trip to Mystic Seaport in CT. I was so excited about the trip, but the evening before, I strained my lower back muscles. I was suffering walking, getting in and out of the car, or turning to left and right. I entered a natural supply store in Mystic Village that carries your products. The sales person, very sweet and just as knowledgeable, noticed I was rubbing my lower back. She asked me how I was doing, and when I told her of my problem, she directed me your Arnica patches. After applying the Arnica patch, the pain went away after 40 minutes. I couldn’t believe it! The day/weekend was saved by your amazing product. Thank you for your amazing, natural products! I look forward to trying others in your product line, and introducing the products to friends and family.

  • Wilda L says:


    I happened upon this wonderful product at my local Wegman’s grocery store. I purchased a single pkt as I was not sure if it would work, but was so impressed I purchased a tin the very next day. Used 2 patches over 48 hours and have felt better ever since. UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!!! This will now be on my “must have” list and I will have to try the rest of your products. Please do not ever stop producing this product. If you do please contact me so I may purchase the rest of your stock as I never want to be without it.

    Thank you!

    (Testimonial Edited to Remove Specifically Named Medical Conditions)

  • I have always been a huge fan of essential oils and believe they work in a variety of ways! I received the Lemongrass patches for a Christmas present. I work full-time as well as trying to finish up my doctoral dissertation. I am limited on time that I can work on it and sometimes go weeks in between of when I work on it. When I do work on it, I need to have as much focus and energy as possible. I started wearing the patches when I worked on my dissertation and it has helped me tremendously! Even when I'm exhausted and don't want to work on it, the Lemongrass patches help me focus! I highly recommend these patches!

    Beth B.   

    Testimonial * These patches have been so helpful to me during some very difficult menopause years. The rose geranium patch really helps with the hot flashes and anxiety. I also use the bergamot patch when I am really stressed, often at work. The lavender sleep patch helps me to get the needed rest I need. Definitely has helped me survive menopause without hormone therapy!

    Author *Kathy   

    Purchased a few of the patches at the spa at the Gaylord National Harbor...tried the arnica and it worked for the pain in my lower back!!! Just placed an order on your website.

    Wilma V   

    One of my friends gave me a few of these patches to try because I haven't been feeling very energetic for the last few years. I hate to blame menopause for everything but oh well. I was very impressed with the Energy Focus Patch. I felt really good all day long and happy! I also wore one of the menopause (Rose Geranium) patches at the same time today and I am a believer! Just try them, you will be very pleasantly surprised!

    Sally T   

    I usually sleep for about 4 hours, wake up, turn over and go back to sleep. After 3 nights using your product, I slept soundly through the night. I'll find out when my husband gets back from deployment if I'm still snoring.

    Mary T   

    I have looked for a long time for something to help in between my prescription medicine to supplement and aid it, so as to not have to increase prescription meds. I prefer to take the natural and wholistic route if I can. Your patches are just the ticket. Thank you for helping those of us who are looking to improve the quality of our lives. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! For such wonderful products. I got the arnica, lavender and anti itch patches and they are awesome. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis and peripheral neuropathy, I get a lot of pain in my neck. I put an arnica on the spot and within about a half hour I can feel the relief setting in. I have trouble sleeping also. The lavender works wonders. I am so glad that there are people like you in this world to help people like me. God bless you and yours. Respectfully, Cynthia M.

    Cynthia M.   

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